Japanese is the official language of the country Japan. Japanese is that the language is not as hard to learn as it may seem at first. It is composition of three types of characters used called Hiragana, Katakana and Khanji. Typical Japanese words are written in Hiragana. Katakana is used for derived words. Khanji are the Chinese characters used in Japan. But we cannot ignore the Roman characters as well to write the words from different languages as they are. As in other languages choice of words, phrases and idioms do play vital role in effective expression.
It is a course of Japanese Language completely concentrated to build the foundation of Japanese Language in the students. Sounds are taught at first generally. Teaching students to write Hiragana for few days and writing Katakana will be followed. Expression of opinion for daily life, Khanji and words will take place. All the four skills as Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking will be taught to the students. After the completion of course students will be able to communicate in simple Japanese. Those who visit Japan for many purposes this level of course will make the living ease.
3 months | NRs. 10,000/-
NAT JLPT TOP-J J Test preparation Classes are also available at King’s Institute.